About Us

What Is Distinctive About Cåvielle?

“I admire authentic women, those who embrace who they are and bravely express it in every action. When we design and craft a bag, we do it with so much passion, because we always have such a woman in mind and believe that she will find it and use it as a means of expression. We make distinctive bags not meant to be carried by everybody, but only for the few that find in them a style and a taste that reflects their own aspirations.”

Michelle de la Torre

Luxury Is About Style, Not the Price Tag

We believe that luxury is not a matter of economic status but precisely a matter of taste and style; therefore we are committed, to create our bags with the highest standards, timeless design, and carefully curated materials, and delivering them at a fair price. Designing and crafting a premium bag means expenses that cannot and we would not spare, but we bow to always create a great deal of value and to make sure every one of our pieces is an investment in style, that should be kept for years to come and be a token of expression both to the world and especially to yourself.

How Do We Achieve This?

First of all by having a strong sense of purpose about what we do. We founded Cåvielle because we wanted to build a place where we could truly create, and thus we are not in a hurry to be a Fortune 500 company, instead, we are always grateful to have the opportunity to share what we do with people we admire.

Second, because this allows us to avoid excessive marketing and promotion expenses, by focusing on reaching a small number of people that we believe will appreciate what we do, and creating content and experiences exclusively for them so that they may resonate with who they are.

What We Stand for in Cavielle

We are a small firm from Mexico, where leather is created and exported to some of the best firms around the world, and where there is also a long-lived tradition of handcrafted leather goods, so we believe we are in the right place to create a brand for women all around the world looking for an honest and authentic offering. We achieve this by becoming the tie that connects fairly compensated expert artisans with smart and appreciative consumers, through thoughtful and unique items.
We believe the best way to reduce waste is to create timeless pieces, both in quality and style, we pride ourselves on the fact that one Cåvielle leather bag should outlive a dozen fast fashion bags, both because of its looks and its condition. We also only make the pieces that we sell, we work with small batches to make sure your bag is ready when you need it, but also making sure to not overstock, every piece is carefully crafted to be with someone.

One last thing

We want to ask something from you: We guarantee the exclusiveness of our bags not based on an exorbitant price point, but on our commitment to creating small runs of distinctive pieces for refined tastes. So if you love what we do, please share it with someone who will feel the same way about it.