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5 Inspiring Quotes To Get Into Your Creative Zone

Three years ago when we first started to visualize what would eventually become Cåvielle we knew there was one particular value we wanted to build upon: Creativity. We saw a creative state of mind as one of the great sensations of harmony one can experience, when we are flowing with images and ideas, we feel connected with the world and intuitively understand that we have a purpose to fulfill.

Although we find it exciting to live in a time where creativity is often considered the ultimate value, we were skeptical about how it is oftentimes portrayed in an excessively romantic light. We are the first to advocate for the idea that the potential for authentic creation and great works resides inside every one of us, but we are also aware that this potential requires a great deal of nurturing and continually striving to become the master of it. After all, what would have been of a Michael Angelo had he discriminated against his preparation and never-ending actualization in favor of plain unrestrained “originality”? There is a reason for the quote “I am still learning…” to be – wrongly – attributed to him, as his last words at age 88.

Understanding how the potential for creative genius appears evasive and most likely out of reach, we have explored different approaches to set ourselves on the right path, today we share 5 quotes – and our interpretation of them – from great people who conquered themselves and their circumstances to lead an original an authentic life of creation.

“Creativity is a wild mind and a disciplined eye” – Dorothy Parker

As this witty New Yorker suggested, creativity is the result of a conscious effort to integrate all the dimensions of our mind. It requires focused attention and also diffused recreation in order to create the skills and gather the knowledge necessary to come up with original and innovative solutions.

It is as much the power to be childlike in how we playfully experience life as the mastery we build by working continually to dominate different areas in life.

Everything you can imagine is real”– Pablo Picasso

This insight from one of the greatest artists of the 20th century is a look right into his creative mind. A man who realized and constantly reminded himself that every idea that comes to you can be put to action, and to make a habit of exploring them realizing some of them might eventually turn into great works.

The lesson is simple: don’t be shy about letting your mind run wild. Instead of discarding extravagant ideas, explore them and turn them into something real. We recommend always keeping an idea journal near to document those golden intuitions that come to us at the least expected moments.

“Be orderly in your life so that you may be violent and original in your work”Gustave Flaubert

The 19th century author created one of the great works of literature: Madame Bovary. Same as Picasso he knew he should respond to his intuitions, he also understood that any idea, as good as it might be, has no value unless it is taken and turned into action. Creativity comes when we combine, hard work, continuous learning, an open disposition to new and different ideas and approaches, and put them to work to solve problems in the right balance of focus and diffuse attention.

The lesson he gifts us comes from understanding that it takes order and method to create original works. In Cåvielle we use a powerful yet simple tool to turn this lesson into the way we operate, it is called the Pomodoro technique; you can find some information about it on this link. We recommend you to design a routine that fits your needs so that you can truly seize the day!

“You can’t use up creativity the more you use, the more you have” Maya Angelou

Smoothly written by the wonderful poet! Like any skill or habit, creativity is enhanced through practice, by gaining experience in one or various particular areas and responding to your intuitions you are setting yourself up to regularly give birth to creative ideas. Daydreaming and participating in group activities, taking a class or brainstorming, are some other tools you can use to exercise your creative muscles.

As stated above creativity is a skill you can improve on, be disciplined and face your days with an intention and in time you will be surprised about how powerful and creative your mind can be.

“Have no fear of perfection, you’ll never reach it” Salvador Dalí

Just as there are certain choices you can take to improve on your ability to come up with original ideas, there are some others that can lessen it. Dalí was very aware of the noxious effects perfectionism can have. There is nothing wrong with striving for excellence and having big expectations for oneself, but when these turn into freezing perfectionism this ironic quote from the extravagant Spanish artist can come in very handy.

Making mistakes and not always getting things quite right is an integral part of our development. Thus, bravely exposing our creations has too many virtues to be avoided by indulging that inner voice demanding perfection and nothing less.

At Cåvielle we are always trying to stay the course and setting bigger goals and expectations for us as individuals and as a group of course. We embrace the pursuit of authenticity as a lifetime endeavor, because we believe it is very well worth it, and feel a great deal of gratitude every time that sweet bird, called inspiration honors us with one of its secrets.  You are invited to take a look at some of our creations here.

We hope you can find some ideas that resonate with your journey in the words of these great people. If you want to find inspiration on the life of a remarkable woman read our entry on America’s first feminist Margaret Fuller.

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